+++ title = "Home" +++ ## About this site You can find articles [in the articles section](articles). Also, between 2020 and 2022 I wrote Linux articles for the [Baeldung](https://www.baeldung.com) website, [you can read them here](https://www.baeldung.com/linux/author/nicolasdato). When I'm confident enought about some never-ending-never-completed side proyects, I push them to [my gitweb](/git). ### About this site development *Keep It Simple, Stupid.* This website is made with HTML and CSS. No Javascript, no cookies, no popups, no ads. Just a website. Somehow inspired by [The](https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/) [Perfect](http://bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com/) [Motherfucking](https://evenbettermotherfucking.website/) [Website](https://perfectmotherfuckingwebsite.com/) (but they are better). The style uses [Solarized](https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/) colors and Libertinus fonts. Also, the style tries to be similar to a [*LaTeX*](https://www.latex-project.org/) article. To easily add content to this website, I use the [Zola static site generator](https://www.getzola.org/). So, the articles are written in [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) first, and then converted to HTML. Those articles are then inserted inside some HTML templates. ## About me *Swimming, Coffee, and Heavy Metal.* My name is Nicolás Dato, born in Argentina in 1991, and you can read more detailed information [in the Resume/CV section](/cv). Long story short, my professional career is +10 years of C experience and +3 years of Java experience. Also +10 years of experience with Bash, Perl, Linux, etc. Excluding Java, all other experience is in the broadcast industry, developing software at [3Way Solutions](https://3way.com.ar/en/inicio-en/). We produce systems to receive, monitor, analize, and transmit video/audio content, such as TV and radio. I'm also a freelancer for [Boreal IT](https://it.borealtech.com/en/), working with Java, .NET, React, and whatever they need. When I'm in the mood and I have some free time, I contribute to the [OpenStreetMap proyect](https://www.openstreetmap.org/) and Wikipedia. And I also swim, even when I'm not in the mood or I don't have free time. ### About my computer *Richard Stallman is right.* I use the [Slackware Linux distribution](http://www.slackware.com/). I try stick to free software and avoid software and websites that tracks people and ignores privacy. Also, I like self-hosting, and using lightweight and simple software. I am fan of [suckless](https://suckless.org/). I prefer the editor of the beast over emacs. My computer runs a local [Searxng](https://github.com/searxng/searxng/) engine configured to use [DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/), [Qwant](https://www.qwant.com/), and [Startpage](https://www.startpage.com/). Also, I'm running a [middle Tor relay](https://community.torproject.org/relay/) called [BobDobbs](https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/7EAAA9A9A1B0B834B74C60CDBBCE306CA7F91423). And I have a [MediaWiki](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki) self-hosted.